If you’re ready to bust through the glass ceiling & take your rightful place as a lit-up leader in the tech industry (or help others do the same) - this one’s for you, my love!

Let’s talk about the state of women in tech & cybersecurity, and what we as leaders can be doing about it.

In today’s episode, I invite Executive Director of Women in Cybersecurity (WICYS), Lyyn Dohm, to share her experience as a leading woman in tech and how she successfully navigates leading with inclusion, equity & allyship.

Ready to find out what you can do as a leader to actually move inclusion efforts forward? 

Let’s go to the show!

We dive into:

Lynn’s career journey & experience in cybersecurity KEY findings from the WICYS State of Inclusion Assessment Why we should STOP obsessing about policy to address DEI (and what to do instead!) Utilizing mentorship if you’re experiencing exclusion in your tech leadership career What to do now if you’ve done all the right things, but you’re still not advancing! And more


**Useful links**

Connect with today’s guest and sponsor, Lynn: https://www.wicys.org/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynndohm?trk=people-guest_people_search-card&original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fpub%2Fdir%3FfirstName%3Dlynn%2B%26lastName%3Ddohm%26trk%3Dpeople-guest_people-search-bar_search-submit Twitter: https://twitter.com/lynn_dohm/status/1314013228809289730 Read: WiCyS State of Inclusion Lynn’s current read: Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Stephen R. Covey, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler If you are ready to uplevel your career, get unstuck or you are simply ready to unlock those leadership time-management techniques then join us in my monthly career & leadership coaching program exclusively for women in tech: https://www.tonicollis.com/academy  Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode167 Check us out on Youtube. Join the Leading Women in Tech community in Slack where we discuss all-the-things for women’s tech leadership, covering everything from early-career leadership to C-level executives.


This episode was sponsored by our guest, Lynn. Thank you Lynn for helping to bring Leading Women in Tech to this community!


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