Truth is, it’s tough being the only woman in the room. 

We have to overcome some unique challenges to elevate our careers - 


Being seen and not heard

Doing more than our male peers

Sexism & microaggressions

Lack of role models


But don’t worry too much, my love. Because my guest, Micha Goebig, and I are here to help with our 3-part series on being the only woman in the room! 

Today for part 1, we are diving into the problem with being the only woman in the room. We’re sharing the FOUR blocks that could be keeping you from enjoying and excelling in your leadership career (and what to do about them!) because we know it can feel lonely and frustrating - but you do NOT need to apologize for feeling that way. We are with you, and we have some tips!

Ready for the tools you need to excel as the only woman in the room?


Let’s go to the show!

We dive into:

The FOUR barriers we experience as female leaders - and what to do about them! What it really means to be “the only woman in the room” The surprise results of our poll “what is the greatest challenge about being the only woman in the room?” TWO important things you can start doing to make sure your voice is heard Proof over promise - working harder than your male peers Our superpower as female leaders (and why I DON’T want you to be more like your male peers!) The 3 BIGGEST things you can do to overcome these blocks to your female leadership And more


**Useful links**

This is the first of a special 3-part series on being the only woman in the room. Catch the rest of the episodes here: Episode 116: The problem with being the only woman in the room with Micha Goebig COMING SOON Episode 117: Being the only woman in the room executive leadership discussion COMING SOON Episode 118: The upside of being the only woman in the room with Micha Goebig  If you are ready to uplevel your career, and get a boost (and a salary bump) by shortcutting your way to success, find out more about Toni’s Coaching at: 

Alternatively, go straight ahead and book a free Discovery Call, to find out more and discuss the type of support you would most benefit from:  Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: 

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