Here’s the thing about recognition, my love.

If you’re not openly sharing about the amazing work you’re doing or the impact you’re making, it’s likely that you won’t be recognized for it by others. This means that even if you’re doing amazing work (which you are!), it may go unnoticed because you aren’t celebrating yourself.


So, how do you get out of the cycle of downplaying yourself and not speaking up?

In today’s episode, I’m diving into openly celebrating our achievements and getting our much-deserved recognition at work. I discuss the consequences of not celebrating yourself in your career and some helpful tools to break the cycle and start owning your abilities. 

Ready to celebrate how amazing you are?


Let’s go to the show!

I dive into:

Why you might not be getting recognition at work - and what to do about it! The 2 BIGGEST consequences of talking yourself down Some simple steps to help you start celebrating yourself and your team Why THIS could cost you your next promotion (and what to do instead) And more


**Useful links**

Find out more about the 12-week year in episode 108 of the podcast:  Find out more about the Lit Up Leadership Academy here.  Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: 

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