Let’s bust some to-do list myths…

Your to-do list is a plan (not true!)

The bigger the list, the bigger the motivation (definitely not true!)

You get rewarded for being busy (also, not true!)

Truth is, my love - a lot of what’s on your to-do list is NOT actually moving the needle forward in your career.

So, what are you supposed to do with that massive to-do list that’s keeping you stuck?


In today’s episode, I’m sharing my 5-step system to help you drastically reduce your to-do list and start taking real steps forward toward your goals.

Ready for the tools and tactics you need to make to-do lists work for you?

Let’s go to the show!

I dive into:

My 5-step system to ditch the massive to-do lists and start moving the needle forward in your career Why I separate my personal to-do list and my professional to-do list A great tool to help with focus (especially if you tend to get distracted when tackling your lists!) My Do’s & Don’t’s for categorizing and organizing your to-do lists And more!


Useful links!

Want to join me on a 1 day Women’s Empowerment Summit in September this year? Sign up now to save 20% on tickets before July 1st: 


If you’d like to have a chat with me or Moira about the Summit first, then book calls with us here:

Book a chat with Moira: https://moiralethbridge.com/contact/ Book a chat with Toni: https://bit.ly/coffeewithtoni 


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode104 

Join the Leading Women in Tech community in Slack where we discuss all-the-things for women’s tech leadership, covering everything from early-career leadership to C-level executives: https://join.slack.com/t/leadingwomenintech/shared_invite/zt-w8qbxeue-jDgnuaz8lK29Ws6Sr8NXVg