I have a real treat for you today because you’re going to be hearing from, not one, but TWO leadership coaches for women in tech - your leadership bestie (me!) and my extraordinary guest.

In today’s episode, I invite speaker, published author, and fellow coach, Micha Goebig, to discuss her passion for helping tech leaders take their careers to the next level, some of her powerful networking tips, and the real & practical things you can be doing in these times of transition to better your career and leadership.

Ready to hear what two like-minded women supporting others in tech have to say about elevating your leadership?

Let’s go to the show! 

We dive into:

How Micha came to be a tech leadership coach for women The challenges for non-tech people in tech - and shifting the belief that there are only a few ways to have a tech career! Some of the BIGGEST blocks that women in tech are currently facing (and what to do about it) What you can be doing right now to embrace the post-Covid era and elevate your leadership The BEST piece of career advice Micha has ever been given - and what a powerful mindset shift this can be for you! Her TOP TIPS for getting the most out of your network And more


Useful links!

Want to uplevel your leadership career this year? Doors are open to Lit Up Leadership Academy, Toni’s signature program designed for women in tech and only women in tech! Head over to tonicollis.com/academy to find out more. 


Micha is offering FREE 30-minute coaching sessions. Go book a call at 



Connect with Micha at:








Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode95

Join the Leading Women in Tech community in Slack where we discuss all-the-things for women’s tech leadership, covering everything from early-career leadership to C-level executives: https://join.slack.com/t/leadingwomenintech/shared_invite/zt-w8qbxeue-jDgnuaz8lK29Ws6Sr8NXVg 

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