If you are a high achieving leader - a focus on resilience and wellness is essential!

So, let’s talk about how to build more resilience and wellness in your life and career so you can live with more intention and start seeing your tech career flourish!


In today’s episode, I invite Stephanie G, tech senior director, executive leadership coach & mindfulness incubator contributor, to talk to us all about the resilience and wellness side of rising to senior leadership. 

Ready to learn the wellness and resiliency tools you need to elevate your career?

Let’s go to the show!

We dive into:

How Stephanie came to be senior director at a big global tech company - and the vertical (and lateral!) moves she made along the way Her TOP 3 TIPS for building resilience and wellness in your life and career Deep expertise - when it’s essential vs. when it’s a hindrance The THREE things you should be outsourcing if you are a high-achieving leader Two questions you need to make a habit of asking yourself when making important decisions as a leader The mindfulness incubator - what it is and why it’s important! And more

Useful links!

If you are ready to uplevel your career, and get a boost (and a salary bump) by shortcutting your way to success, find out more about Toni’s Coaching at:


Alternatively, go straight ahead and book a free Discovery Call, to find out more and discuss the type of support you would most benefit from: https://bit.ly/DiscoverToni 


Check out Mindfulness Incubator at:






And these resources that Stephanie shared with us today: 

This Mindfulness and Self Compassion in Crisis Guide: https://www.mindfulnessincubator.com/TBwelcome  Our Mindfulness Incubator Digital Detox and Renewal Retreat: https://www.mindfulnessincubator.com/MI-retreat 

Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: https://tonicollis.com/episode93 

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