We don’t have to sacrifice and struggle in our careers, my love - we CAN have it all!


Let’s talk about how understanding the impact our personal lives have on our careers can uplevel our tech leadership (and get us the dream role and career!)


In today’s episode, I invite coach Ewelina Szczeblewska to talk about her deep transformational work and how to find the clarity and confidence you need to lead powerfully in your life and career.


Ready to ditch the burnout and self-doubt and find your voice?

Let’s go to the show! 

We dive into:

Why Ewelina is so passionate about helping highly ambitious women with their confidence How to STOP giving away your power and START finding your voice and reclaiming your story! The unique challenges you might be facing as a woman in the workplace (and an IMPORTANT tool you can use to identify your own blindspots) One of the MOST underrated executive presence skills - and how to get it! How to develop an early warning system so you can increase your self-awareness and bounce back quicker in your career Why women struggle to gain traction in their leadership career and Ewelina’s BIGGEST piece of advice to help How fear of embarrassment could be showing up in your career, what it REALLY is, and what to do about it! A simple mindset shift you can make TODAY to help you get what you want and thrive in your career Ewelina’s FREE training opportunity! And more! 


Ewelina Szczeblewska:

I help high achieving professionals to reclaim their stories so that they can create their careers and lives according to their aligned vision. 

My area of expertise is deep transformational work on the subconscious level. I help you to eliminate damaging beliefs, patterns and habits that stand in your way to that next level of success. Self-sabotage, imposter syndrome, low confidence, stress, anxiety, overwhelm or burnout are all just symptoms of a much deeper issue that I can help you to identify and eliminate. 


Useful links!

Excited to connect with Ewelina? You can find her on:




And on her website at: www.bravingthebeing.com 


Get your hands on her free impostor syndrome training: ‘Conquer the Imposter Syndrome!' https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/conquer-the-imposter-syndrome-tickets-167601954959 


Ready for the 30-Day Leadership Visibility Challenge? Join in at https://tonicollis.com/challenge 


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: http://tonicollis.com/episode63 

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