Are you sitting on a decision? Stuck in a loop of indecision?

Perhaps you are thinking of investing in yourself, getting help in your career.

Maybe you know you need to go for a new role. Deep down you know you should. But you aren’t taking action

Maybe there is some exciting training coming your way, but you just aren’t pulling go.

But you also aren’t letting go of the decision and saying no.

It sounds like you are stuck in the indecision cycle. And it’s sitting there inside you.

And it applies to our work decisions too. Although we may find it easier to make decisions when it is about a product, or team action, instead of about us, from time-to-time you still find yourself in a decision-making loop.


Well, for what it’s worth, this is 100% normal. But also completely stifling.

When we sit in this space it is stifling, and it fills us up with stress and anxiety.


So today I’m calling you out, my love, on your indecision. I’m here to provide that helping hand to help you get off the decision fence, and feel GOOD about whichever side you land on.


Useful links!

Get access to my new free guide: 7 Reasons you aren’t already in the C-Suite

(and what you need to be doing differently to get there!)



If you are on the fence and need to get off, go ahead and book yourself a no stress, no-obligation discovery call - maybe that is the decision you need to make this week:  

Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: