Building connections has always been important for creating opportunities, opening doors, seeing what is possible, and even pushing through self-doubt and building our motivation.

But for many of us maintaining connections during a period where all, or nearly all, interactions are virtual, is hard work.

Creating new connections, whether they are new professional connections or new friendships can sound nearly impossible right now

I’ve said it before, but I think it is time to say it again: it can actually be easier to build connections while we are virtual, than it was in-person. But it does require a conscious reframing of the tactics we used before we entered the virtual-first approach…

And the bonus of working on strengthening and deepening your network connections is that we get to boost our moods. Yes really! Even if you find that reaching out to your network is truly uncomfortable. You may have recently hit a wall after 6 months of social distancing. But the act of active connection, even if it for primarily professional purposes, can be just the thing you need to get unstuck once again. 

So if you know you need to kick-start your networking again, or that you’d love to feel less isolated, but dread getting going, today’s podcast is for you. Join me as I explain 8 steps to make virtual networking easier and give yourself that emotional boost you are in need of.