Are you actively managing your leaders? 


Training them, working with them to hone their leadership skills? Helping them to figure out the road to great leadership?


Or do you just let your team of managers get on with it because you are hands-off?


If you are a hands-off manager of managers, even if that is the style of management you liked at that level, you are leaving opportunity on the table.


Despite what you might hear, no one is born a perfect leader. Some do have more intrinsic leadership skill than others, but everyone needs to develop and hone their leadership and management. So leaving your new managers to figure out how to navigate a new role as a team lead, a general manager or even a VP is a recipe for many bumps along the road or worse. 

But having an attitude of ‘my door is open, come to me for help’ doesn’t work either. Remember: they feel the need to prove themselves to you, and will try their best to not bother you.


It’s time to round the square peg so you and your team of managers all up-level, learn how to effectively lead in the way that works for them, but with your guidance as someone who was there before. And hint: using team meetings which focus on exception reporting won’t achieve this growth and development. 


In today’s Leading Women in Tech podcast I’m diving into how to help your managers remain autonomous, keep their new found confidence as a leader, but boost them up quickly and effectively so that you, your managers, their teams, and the entire business division benefits. It’s time to stop leaving the benefits of great management and leadership at every level of your organisation on the table, simply because you had to figure this out yourself.  And instead let's use your emotional intelligence to help your managers become great leaders in their own right.


Useful Links!

Catch up on developing your emotional intelligence in Episodes 11 and 12.


If you are ready to uplevel your career, and get a boost (and a salary bump) by shortcutting your way to success, find out more about Toni’s Coaching at: 

Alternatively, go straight ahead and book a free Discovery Call, to find out more and discuss the type of support you would most benefit from:   


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here:

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