Would you consider self-awareness as a leadership trait?


For many people, when asked to list the top leadership skills, they would suggest listening, communication, organization and strategy. Self-awareness doesn’t typically make it to the list.


But if you’ve ever wondered what Emotional Intelligence is, and what all the fuss about EQ is all about, then a large piece of the puzzle is self-awareness.


Today, in the first of two special episodes on emotional intelligence in leadership I am digging into the first piece of the emotional intelligence puzzle: self-awareness.


This is the piece of the leadership puzzle that is most uncomfortable for many of us to tackle. It requires time, practice and patience. And yet, it can come with huge  rewards. 


And it doesn’t just help with leadership: great self-awareness, and the actions that this creates within you, are your number one tool for avoiding or coming out of burnout. Not quitting your job, not throwing your toys out of your metaphorical pram, not pivoting… No, it is self-awareness.


If you are ready to learn how to use self-awareness as a leadership tool, and how to cultivate more of it in you (because none of us are as self-aware as we think we are, and honestly, we are never done on the self-awareness work!), then keep listening, as we dive deep in this week's episode of Leading Women in Tech.


Useful links!

Get access to the Leveraging LinkedIn Kit: http://tonicollis.com/linkedinkit


If you are ready to uplevel your career, and get a boost (and a salary bump) by shortcutting your way to success, find out more about Toni’s Coaching at:


Alternatively, go straight ahead and book a free Discovery Call, to find out more and discuss the type of support you would most benefit from: https://bit.ly/DiscoverToni 


Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here: http://tonicollis.com/episode11

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