It’s not what you know, it’s who you know that gets you the job.

Does that feel uncomfortable to you?

Maybe it sounds like this means you have to play in the old boys network (and as a leading women in tech, that just fills you with dread and well, who wants to play that game - that’s part of what we are changing right as women rise up in tech, right?!)

But powerful relationships don’t have to mean back-room deals or job offers made to sons of men on the golf course. 

As the hidden job market flourishes as a source of jobs, it is more important than ever that you get out there and network. Build real connections that will open doors to other connections, jobs and much more. 

In a hyper connected world, your most important asset in your career is your network. It can overcome the endless application process. It can deal with the difficult career gap you have easily, and it can remove the need for yet another expensive qualification (which you don’t actually need, but you think you do need because how else do you stand out from 1000s of resumes)?

Your network is your biggest asset, and yet for many of us, applying for a hundred jobs feels infinitely easier than reaching out and building this mythical all-problems-solved network that the world (and I ) are talking about.

What if I told you that networking could be comfortable (yes even for introverts), and will land you a job in less time?

Interested? Let’s go to the show!


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