“Once we continue forward, obstacles become optional. Problems become solutions. There are no eternal problems. Don’t give up. Be persistent. Be patient.” 


By combining traditional Buddhist philosophies with modern science and psychology, bestselling author and meditation teacher Mingyur Rinpoche excels at making the practice of meditation accessible to students everywhere. Mingyur Rinpoche teaches incredible lessons that offer listeners a new perspective on our lives and minds.


Mingyur Rinpoche is the author of the bestselling books including, The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness, Joyful Wisdom: Embracing Change and Finding Freedom, Turning Confusion into Clarity: A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Tibetan Buddhism, and In Love with the World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying.


Along with extensive training in the philosophical traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, Mingyur Rinpoche has also collaborated extensively with Western researchers, neuroscientists, and psychologists on mindfulness. In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll gain so much wisdom from this mindfulness master.


In this conversation, you’ll learn:

Why self-care is critical for great leadership  Insights about starting a meditation practice A breathing exercise from Mingyur Rinpoche What it means to be happy Why Mingyur Rinpoche was said to be the happiest person in the world How Rinpoche really felt at that time  Why humans get overly focused on the past and future What Rinpoche’s four-year wandering retreat was like About the near-death experience that changed Mingyur’s life What pure awareness is Why the ups and downs in life can be positive How to understand your purpose in this world About Rinpoche’s panic attacks and anxiety at a young age What can Buddhism can teach us about our minds Advice on developing a meditation practice A special instructional meditation by this meditation master And so much more!


Connect with Mingyur Rinpoche





Learn from Mingyur Rinpoche

The Joy of Living Online Training: Theory and Practice of Meditation

Discover the benefits of meditation under the skillful guidance of world-renowned teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.


Learn more here:



The Way of the Bodhisattva

Check out this online course with Mingyur Rinpoche about developing an altruistic motivation and being of service to others.


Learn more here: learning.tergar.org/course_library/vajrayana-online/way-of-the-bodhisattva-essence


Sign up for the 2021 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

Registration is LIVE for the 2021 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat. Space is limited so sign up soon to guarantee your spot.

Join Rob Dube and other mindful leaders from October 3–7th, 2021 in Colorado. Whether you’re looking to deepen your meditation practice, get back on track, or consider yourself a novice, the retreat was designed for meditators of all levels.

At the retreat you’ll:

Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more!



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