“What does it mean to lead from a context of curiosity, to being more committed to learning than being right?” — Kaley Klemp


This week, I chat with Kaley Klemp, a transformational executive and leadership coach and coauthor of The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership. She helps leaders align themselves with their priorities and values; she also helps high performing teams overcome challenges using Conscious Leadership practices. Kaley is a master enneagram specialist, a personality system which guides people to uncover their own strengths and understand their motivations. She is the author of The Drama-Free Office and The 13 Guidelines for Effective Teams. 


Kaley is also coauthor with her husband, Nate Klemp, of The 80/80 Marriage: How To Build a Stronger, Happier Marriage, a model they developed together in order to strengthen their own marriage.


In our conversation, we talk about some of the key ideas behind Kaley’s work with business leaders; how for her, there is no real divide between the professional and the personal, and that “wherever you go, there you are.” At the core of her work is always an appeal to getting curious and to being led by curiosity without judgment.  


In this episode of Leading with Genuine Care, you’ll also learn:

Some of the ways that not taking 100% responsibility for our lives can show up and hinder our success  How to become aware of imbalances in the four elements - reflection, knowledge, community, service - and how this can show us what we need to pay attention to in our lives  How simply being curious can make a difference, whether you’re curious about your own experience or that of others What it means to “drift” below the line and how to get back on course How the “ripple effect” characterizes conscious entrepreneurs What the four zones are and which zone to aspire to  How you can turn the people who annoy you the most into your teachers and allies  Why, ultimately, you shouldn’t aim for “50/50” in your marriage  What “slow fades” are and how they lead to distance in your marriage  How to keep your marriage interesting and alive by staying curious  Why some structure and planning might be the key for your sex life  Some ways executives can foster connection in the workplace, even in virtual spaces  What the enneagram system can tell you about yourself  Why leaders find an “intentional pause” so helpful  And so much more!


Connect with Kaley Klemp 
















Learn More From Kaley Klemp 

The 8080 Marriage, with a free Epic Date Night Guide and articles on relationships. 



Coaching Certification for business leaders:



Online Enneagram courses:


Sign up for the 2022 Leading with Genuine Care Retreat!

The Leading with Genuine Care Leadership Retreat is a mindfulness meditation retreat specifically designed for business leaders and entrepreneurs. Suitable for meditators at all levels, the retreat will enable you to cultivate a deeper, leadership-based mindfulness practice while in a peaceful and rejuvenating mountain location. Previous attendees have reported experiencing increased productivity, increased focus, and new perspective – among other benefits – as a result of what they learned. 


At the retreat you’ll:

Unplug from your busy lives Immerse yourself in nature Learn from renowned guides and teachers Connect with other mindful leaders And so much more! 


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