“We can all have this common goal and always ask ourselves, ‘What is it I'm doing? Is it contributing to bringing more happiness and wellbeing to all? Or is it degrading happiness and wellbeing?’

“If we all had this very simple North star...then it's a relatively simple way to have a compass to guide our actions.” — Dr. Ha Vinh Tho, Founder of the Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing

After helping to create the Gross National Happiness program in the small country of Bhutan, Dr. Ha Vinh Tho was determined to find out.

On this week’s episode of Leading with Genuine Care, Rob chats with Dr. Tho about why businesses that focus on happiness and fulfillment as much as profit can transform not just individual companies, but also our economy, government, and our society as a whole.

Dr. Tho is the founder of the Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing and former Director of the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan. He’s  also a Buddhist teacher in the Vietnamese Zen tradition, was ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, and a Ph.D. in Psychology and Education from Geneva University.

Listen in as he discusses what it means to live a meaningful life and why compassion is more essential than ever during today’s tumultuous times.

In this episode, you’ll also learn:

Why entrepreneurs are specially equipped to be a force for good How compassion boosts employee engagement Why it is so important to lead with care and compassion How to be more compassionate towards others What compassionate listening is Why healthy, compassionate dialogue can heal rifts What the Gross National Happiness (GNH) is If GNH could be more critical than GDP Tho’s insights on today’s turmoil in the U.S. Why we should show compassion to both victims and perpetrators Tho’s experience at the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan What three components lead to a truly happy life Why strong relationships create more meaning How nature factors into our happiness Why we need to consider both IQ and EQ And SO much more!

Connect with Dr. Tho
Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing

Dr. Tho’s Blog




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