Join Change Catalyst Founder & CEO Melinda Briana Epler interview with Muna Hussaini, Chief of Staff to Indeed CTO  in conversation about navigating parenthood during the pandemic. 

We talked about Muna’s own story as an American Muslim, working to build more inclusive workplaces, the impact of Black Live Matter on her kids and family, the new norm of handling Zoom calls and full- time work with kids, and how teams and companies and show up for parents.

We learned 

The opportunity to redefine success in this tumultuous time.The fact that it is ok not to do everything, and ways teams can help each other.The need for companies to walk the talk when they say that their employees are their most important assets. 

Some of our favorite quotes of our conversation

"We have an opportunity to redefine what success looks like so that the costs that were incurred by the few are now shared collectively, and I think if we can redefine what that looks like, we win together. "

“People have to know that if they share something that maybe makes them vulnerable, that they have the psychological safety to share, and that they won't be penalized for it. And it can be really hard."

"I have always struggled with this guilt from being away from my kids...and I just think I am going to miss this, you know?”

Listen to Muna’s new podcast, 3 Righteous Mamas on Apple Podcasts

Additional resources: 

Connect with them on Facebook, the Interfaith Action of Central Texas at Space,

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Producer: Juliette Roy
Project Manager: Sally Moywaywa
Finance & Operations: Renzo Santos
Diversity & Inclusion Specialist: Antonia Ford
Created by: Melinda Briana Epler

For more about Change Catalyst, and to join us for a live recording, visit

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