Today we are going to be talking with Amy Nelson. Amy has been a coach for several years as well as a colleague and great friend of mine. We both enjoy working with local entrepreneurs to help them get started and grow their businesses. 

In addition to her MBA, Amy has an advanced certification from the Life Mastery Institute. On top of that, she has over 20 years of business experience. This enables her to help others expand their results and increase their impact. Amy believes that in order to become an effective leader and coach, we have to focus on improving performance and developing our skills and habits. Her business combines her passion for personal development and business building, allowing her to do what she loves every day. 

In this episode, Amy shares a variety of incredible insights from her extensive coaching experience. Throughout our conversation, we discuss how she started her coaching business, how she utilizes her skills from her previous business life in her coaching now, the ways she helps women specifically, and how she runs her business with minimal technology. 

Amy also shares some ideas on how she helps high performers get even better. Tune in to learn more.

We'll dive deeper into these concepts:

Amy’s journey to becoming an entrepreneur. The steps she took to build her coaching business. Why having a healthy mindset is so important when transitioning from a corporate career to entrepreneurship. How mentors and peers can help us in our entrepreneurial journey. Mental shifts that take place when we transition out of the corporate world. Some of the tools Amy added to her toolkit as she started her business. Why you should never let perfection be an obstacle to starting a business.

Now, for some action steps:

Download the free worksheet: Three Steps You Need for a More Productive Workday Take the Encore Career Clarity Quiz Email Amy: [email protected]

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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Creating Your Encore Career.

— Lynn


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If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.

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