What does your customer really want? If you listened to last week’s episode, part 1 of this special series for leaders in the manufacturing industry, you know your job as a manufacturer is discovering what your customer wants and needs and delivering it to them. When it comes to the products and services you offer, you need to look at your value map of services and products you want to supply and your customer profile to determine what they actually need. In other words, you need to develop your value proposition. 

Expanding on last week's episode, the value proposition is a subset of the business model generation and business model canvas.  In this week’s episode, I am going to walk you through developing your value proposition, explain why having one is important and some things you should consider when doing so.  This is where the discovery work begins.

We’ll dive deeper into these concepts:

Developing your value proposition by understanding your customers’ wants and needs Looking at the products and services you currently offer to see how they align with your customers’ needs The value proposition canvas Figuring out how to create gains for the customer Understanding your customers’ pain points so you can create value proposition which alleviates them

My challenge to you this week is to try two of the ideas that come to you after your discovery work. Think about the value proposition. What are your customers gains? What are your customers pains? Let me know what you came up with and how it’s going in the comments below. Next week I am going to walk you through the customer discovery process and journey. 

Resources and links mentioned:

Value Proposition Canvas


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I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.

— Lynn



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