In this episode, we'll look at a framework to develop your front line to fearlessly execute the day-to-day operations. This will free you up to put more time and attention in growing the organization.

A lot of change that's going to be needed will be from you, the leader. This can be scary, but I assure you that when you change or look to grow, you’ll in turn affect your most important asset — your employees.

QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER Are YOU concerned with keeping operations running every day? Are the weekly results of your business inconsistent, moving in a sawtooth fashion from good to poor without a clear reason why? Are you missing out on connecting with new and existing customers because you're wrapped up in day-to-day operations? Do you have a sense that you need to develop new products and services for the future but haven't found the time to focus on it? How often have you experienced this idea of having time to rework the products but not having enough time to make the right — the first time? LEAVE A REVIEW

Since this podcast is new, I’m asking for iTunes reviews. This will help others discover and learn what Leading the Factory Forward is all about.


Book: Run Improve Grow: Your Roadmap from Firefighting to Bold Business Growth by Ray Attiyah

Website: Definity Partners



I thank you so much for being here and I’ll see ya next time on Leading the Factory Forward.

— Lynn