This is a re-broadcast. The episode originally ran in February 2018.
Dan Conway is a bishop in Newcastle, in northeast England, and has also served as an elders quorum president. He served a mission to Scotland and works as a digital marketing executive. In this episode, Dan walks us through his crisis of faith prior to being called as bishop, and how that affected how he leads now.
Episode Summary
5:45 Mission to Scotland
8:45 Faith crisis
14:40 Reading and praying didn’t work as a solution
19:20 Call as Elders Quorum president in the midst of a faith crisis
21:50 Finding the answers to his questions
28:30 Experience bearing his testimony of Joseph Smith
31:15 Becoming the bishop after a faith crisis
43:45 Understanding that people can change and become better
46:15 First year as a bishop
51:20 How he does ward council: short meetings every other week, then visits
56:35 Using an agenda and PPIs
1:01:00 Visiting people after ward council
1:04:00 PPIs
Interview with Arthur Boutin
FAIR Mormon
Read the TRANSCRIPT of this podcast
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