Have you been told that you don't have value and don't have gifts?

Whatever reasons it may be, I want you to know that it is a LIE. You are created SO much more than what you think and there are a reason and higher purpose for you.

Women, the world needs you. You are meant for more. You are the puzzle piece that connects boundaries together. You are never JUST a mom. There is a perfect season for everyone. The world expects you to show up and use your gifts for the things that matter to you and has impacts on other peoples lives.



Breaking through daily routines for stay at home moms and how to make it fun and purposeful Knowing your gifts and sharing it to inspire others Being intentional in everything that you do
Trusting God


This journey isn't just about me. Know what you're carrying. Know your gifts. So that you can use your gifts for a higher purpose.

I hope we inspired you today with Lorrie's story and I hope that this episode helps you live life AWAKE. Because you too can live with intentional lifestyle. It is a choice. It is work, but it is SO much fun!  Let's do this together for this coming new year 2020