In this episode, Pastor Austin Gardner and Missionary Jonathan Anderson discuss his calling to Mexico, talk about the hardest points and the highest points in his ministry, and many more great insights into Jonathan’s life and ministry. Jonathan’s Introduction Missionary to Mexico Currently on furlough raising additional support You can contact him at [email protected] or You can […]

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In this episode, Pastor Austin Gardner and Missionary Jonathan Anderson discuss his calling to Mexico, talk about the hardest points and the highest points in his ministry, and many more great insights into Jonathan’s life and ministry.

Jonathan’s IntroductionMissionary to MexicoCurrently on furlough raising additional supportYou can contact him at [email protected] or projectwinmexico.comYou can also get in contact with him through the church at or 770-456-5881How did God confirm to you that you should be a missionary?God gave me a desire to preach when I was 12I was at the first ever Our Generation SummitGod really used that weekend to work in my heartI surrendered to be a missionary thereHow did He confirm to you that it should be Mexico?I’ve been to Guatemala, Argentina, and Mexico a few timesI prayed for the Lord’s leading to where He wanted meThrough seeing the need and praying, the Lord lead me to MexicoHow much did your wife’s being practically Mexican have to do with it?We weren’t a thing yet, so that didn’t actually have much effect yetI didn’t meet her until after I already felt called to MexicoWhat in your childhood prepared you to be a missionary?I grew up in Christian home, and that was a big part of itI was able to see missionaries even from a young ageMy parents were very excited about my being called to preachEvery step of the way, felt like I really had their supportThe Lord also put men in my life a certain stages to help encourage meHow did your family react when you told them you were going to be a missionary?Excitement JoyThey were very excited that God called their son into the ministryWhat about your siblings?They have been excited tooThey’ve all be very supportiveThat’s really been a blessing to usWhat would you say to a missionary whose parents are against all this?Love themRespect themBut also follow God and let the Lord direct youEven if your parents are against your being a missionary, you need to follow the LordWhat about your wife’s family? Her dad was a pastorFrom there, her family were missionaries in Mexico for six years when Rebekah was 10-16 years oldSo going back to Mexico just felt very natural for herDid her parents let her out of the house?She was able to go out a lot She was able to experience MexicoWhat book has been the most encouraging to you outside of the Bible?The Master Plan of Evangelism Robert ColemanI go back to it often If you could start over, what would you do differently?I got to the field thinking that I knew more than I really didI had to do more on-the-field learning than most guys should have to doA lot of the things that I had to learn, I could have learned before I went to the field by getting more trainingHow long were you on deputationAbout 3-3.5 yearsI spent the first year singleWhat misconceptions did you have to overcome when you got to the field or on deputation?I bought into a lot of the ideas that deputation is broken and doesn’t workThat really slowed me down Being around the team on furlough now has really helped and encouraged meOne of my biggest conceptions about the field was about the peopleI had to learn to change a lot of the ways that I thoughtWhat are some of the things you had to change?I had to learn to not expect them to think like an AmericanI had to learn how they think and had to adapt to their way of thinking What is one of the funniest things that has happened to you in ministry so far?Three months into my language learning, I took my blue suit to the dry cleanersI came back a few days later without my receiptMy Spanish really was not very good I asked the lady to give me my blue dress back instead of suitShe had a great time with thatYou have to learn to laugh at yourself in the language It’s fun if you’ll make it funWhat has been the hardest thing for you so far?The things that are unexpectedLike a family leaving the churchOr someone turning on youMy wife lost a child on the field, and we thought that she might die from the miscarriageCan you tell us about an answer prayer?One of the biggest things is the men that God has given usI prayed for God to send us men really early on even on deputation, and He answeredI acted on that prayer by faith and saw Him answer itWhat part of being a missionary have you enjoyed the most?The idea that you could be in another country, culture, and world and to see them get saved That has to be the greatest joy for meAs tired as I was at times, I was never tired of studying the Bible with people and seeing people changed by the GospelWhat advice would you give to those headed to cross-cultural ministry?Try to leave your American mindset behindThat may be hard, but if you’re going to work in another culture, you have to be open to changingYou have to go in deciding to be the learnerYou have to decide to ask them questions all the time Jesus spent thirty years becoming Jewish before He started His ministry! Do you have a missionary hero from the past?Pastor Gardner is one of my heroesI really appreciate him and everything that God has used him to doThe faith of the missionaries of the past is a big thing to meWhat is your most treasured memory in ministry?The opportunity to actually get to the field, learn the language, and see something startedJust thinking about what God has done in the past five years Even through all the trials in those years, it has been the most treasured time in my lifeAre there any special people or groups in your field that has specially blessed you?Really any group that is doing the work of GodThe ones who have been the biggest encouragement are the guys on the VBM teamJust getting to be in constant contact with them and seeking insight from them has been a huge blessingClosing RemarksI’d love to invite you to come to the World Evangelism November 5 of this yearWe’ll have men like Bud Calvert, Don Sisk, and other great men of God that God has used in missionsThere will be teaching and discussion about missionsYou can sign up at or worldevangelismcenter.orgAgain, you can reach Jonathan at [email protected] and Challenge young people for just a minuteYoung person, don’t hold backLet God use your lifeSo often we’re passionate about many things but not about serving ChristYou have one life to live, and when you try to save it, you lose it, but when you give it, you save itReach out for help to see where God would have you and use you

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