The Wise Leader

Wise leaders represent the fourth level of our 5 leadership postures. They are those who have experienced maturity in their organization and are on the road to business expansion. They lead leaders who in turn lead other leaders.

Wise leaders create freedom and space for others. However, they still demand accountability and leadership. Wise leaders focus on deepening the values & principles of the organisation whilst also diversifying the value streams.

Rewards come in financial payback, seeing your reputation accelerate to new heights and importantly, having the satisfaction of seeing a vision fulfilled.

The risks are in getting comfortable, failing to disrupt your own organisation, failing to invest outside of your organisation, and becoming too distant from the customer. You start working on new lines of business through R&D, mergers, or acquisitions.

If you haven’t empowered others previously, you’ll fail under the weight of responsibility trying to do too much.

If you succeed through this leadership posture you will learn to buy new businesses or assets well, succeeding in strategic value creation for the long term.

What are the 5 leadership postures?

The 5 Leadership Postures are a way of understanding the leadership development journey.

You’ll see attributes of the 5 Postures in yourself and others.

What kinds of leadership attributes are required now for your organisation?

What kind of leader are you?

What kind of leader do you need to be to help your organisation grow?

There are different leadership postures required at different stages of the leadership growth curve. It is important to use these leadership styles as a way of sharpening your focus on how to improve yourself.

Only then can you improve others.

Waymaker’s 5 Leadership Postures are:

The Curious LeaderThe Persistent LeaderThe Empowering LeaderThe Wise Leader The Inspirational Leader

These postures are cumulative. There are no shortcuts to successful leadership.

Master each stage to lead yourself into the next.