Denise Brosseau is a speaker, executive coach, consultant and the author of Ready to Be a Thought Leader? (Wiley). She is known as a ’thought leader about thought leadership.'

Denise began her career in the technology industry, leading marketing and product teams at companies like Kensington and Motorola. After completing her MBA at Stanford, Denise focused the next stage of her career on women’s access to venture capital.

She co-founded the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs (later Watermark) and Springboard Enterprises. Together, these organizations have helped the women founders of companies like Constant Contact, Canva, iRobot, and many others raise millions in capital to scale their businesses.

Since 2008, Denise has been the founder and CEO of the Thought Leadership Lab, where she works with women executives and their teams that want more influence and impact and to leave a legacy that matters. Her clients include executives at Zoom, PayPal, Roche and many smaller organizations.

As a speaker and facilitator, she has had the opportunity to present at companies, conferences, and retreats across the US and internationally.

Outside of work, Denise has dedicated her time to important causes like food banks and creating communities of women leaders.

She is the co-founder of the Authoress community, an invite-only group of women authors who share tips on how to market their books. She is also a textile artist who loves quilting and weaving.

In this episode we discussed:

Denise’s accidental journey to becoming a thought leader

the importance of combining skills, background, and personality traits to create effective change

the power of strategic thinking to change and effect your life’s journey

letting go and believing in the bigger message


Connect with Denise Brosseau:




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Talk to you soon!

This episode was produced by Lynda, Podcast Manager #YourPodcastHelp at