Robin L. Owens, Ph.D., is the founder of Masterful Course Creations, LLC. She is also an author, speaker, and college professor. Outside of the college classroom, Dr. Robin helps established women consultants turn their books into masterful courses. She is the author of two upcoming books – (1) “How to Turn Your Book into a Masterful Course,” and (2) “Making Purpose-Based Decisions: An Inspirational Guide to More Meaning and Purpose.”

Dr. Robin combines her more than two decades of experience in business, social work, and higher education to bring a unique perspective to her commitment to supporting high-achieving women authors, consultants, and leaders.

In this episode Dr Robin discusses three main points you might not have realised, about what might be holding you back from obtaining what you want to do in your work, business or life.


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You can connect with Dr. Robin on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram or contact me via email at:  [email protected]

Go to: to get her free training on "How to Turn Your Book into a MASTERFUL Course"

If you would like to find out more about turning your book into a course, direct message Dr. Robin on LinkedIn at:

Also, you can learn more about Leadership Purpose and her books at:

Talk to you soon!

This episode was produced by Lynda, Podcast Manager #YourPodcastHelp at