Hally Brooke is the Founder & CEO of Live Nourished, she is a Certified Functional Medicine Nutrition Counselor, Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Fox 21 Fitness & Nutrition Expert, and a fierce industry advocate.

Her self-education in nutrition and exercise began in 2014 when she battled and overcame her own serious GI issues including IBS and SIBO.

Through her own process of finding wholeness, health and healing for herself, as well as her education and experience with her clients, Hally has learned that living a nourished life takes more than just “eating healthy” or working out. Hally teaches that “true health” is a blend of not only physical health, but also mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing. And that sometimes “health” looks like enjoying a burger instead of a salad, or taking a nap instead of going on a run.

From that experience, she has built a thriving Functional Medicine Coaching practice that works with clients in ALL the key areas of wellness including movement, nutrition, mindset, resilience, relationships, and self-care.

Her life mission is to encourage, and empower women by teaching healing. Whether as clients, through speaking events, business coaching, or personally with the people she encounters, she lives and breathes this mission day in and day out.

In this episode we discussed:

the difference between functional medicine and western medicine and why it matters to you and your business

how your gut impacts your energy and ability to work at your best

the concept of “always enough and always growing”

why healthy business owners make more money over time

the importance of not just health, but well being too (and the difference between them)

Connect with Hally:



Thank you for listening! Be sure to follow the show so you don't miss the next episode!

You can connect with Dr. Robin on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram or contact me via email at: [email protected]

Go to:
https://www.createmasterfulcourses.com to get her free training on "How to Turn Your Book into a MASTERFUL Course"

Also, you can learn more about Leadership Purpose and her books at:

Talk to you soon!

Episode edited by Podcast Manager - LJS Creative Services https://www.ljscreativeservices.co.nz