The year 2023 has already marked itself as Canada's worst forest fire season in history, and it's only July. A glance at today's fire map reveals almost every province battling blazes that have spiraled out of control.

In this episode, our guests Pedro Antunes, Chief Economist of The Conference Board of Canada and Derek Nighbor, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Forest Products Association of Canada, discuss the impacts on people, the economy and communities of the forest fires we've seen so far this year.  We discuss how climate change is making forestry management a more critical task and how the increased risks we're seeing from fires and other climate related issues are further complicating the task of economists who are mapping out the direction of our economy.

We discuss what else can be done to prevent forest fires from getting out of control in the future. We also explore whether record breaking forest fires, and the smoke that they bring to communities across Canada, is something that we should be preparing for in the future.

About our guests:

Pedro Antunes is the Chief Economist and primary spokesperson at The Conference Board of Canada. He provides insights and general direction for the Board’s economic products, including reports and economic indicators that relate to Canada and its regions and sectors. Pedro provides media interviews in English and French as well as expert testimony before parliamentary and senate committees. He is widely sought for speaking engagements and presentations to industry leaders and decision-makers on a broad range of issues and topics that impact Canadians.

Derek Nighbor has been leading Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) as President and Chief Executive Officer since March of 2016. Representing the industry and its stakeholders at a national and international level, Derek champions the interests of workers, families, and communities associated with Canada's forest products sector. Prior to FPAC, he served as Senior Vice President of Food & Consumer Products of Canada (FCPC) for over 7 years. His career also includes senior roles with Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and the Government of Ontario. With global appointments such as the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) and the International Council of Forest & Paper Associations (ICFPA), Derek actively contributes to shaping sustainable practices in the forest sector. He further demonstrates his commitment to community well-being through his involvement in healthcare initiatives and sports organizations.

The Conference Board of Canada's Economic Forecasting Unit: 

Forest Products Association of Canada: