Ayanda Mbatha worked as a mechanical engineer when the Covid pandemic reached South Africa. He lost his job and had to find a new job fast. During his job search, he refused to become the victim and decided that he would stop at nothing to find another job. His story is about incredible resilience and fascinating courage. Listen to this episode to find out the things he did to secure interviews and find a new job - things many of us would not have the courage to do and gained some publicity for it! He then used his experience to help others. Using his social media platform, he now connects employers with potential employees. As a walking billboard, his experience has inspired a case study about resilience written by Dr @Frank Magwegwe, Ph.D. from Gordon Institute of Business Science. He’s also an award-winning Innovator at the Raising Legends Awards for the #VideoInterviewCompetition initiative.



0:11 Meet our guest - Ayanda Mbatha

1:19 Show of Courage

5:13 The shock makes you stop thinking 

6:10 Dealing with emotions

8:35 Moms understand us even if we don’t understand ourselves. 

11:58 There are moments in your life when you get hit and need other people to pick you up.

13:10 Father’s support helped to kickstart life after college

16:05 Phase 1 - Working every day to find a new job

17:24 Phase 2 - A walking billboard

19.35 A smile is a signature - always keep it on

20:50 We often care what people think and we stop ourselves from doing stuff.

23:50 Stop at nothing to get the goal

25:25 Think creatively, don’t worry about what people think,

27:15 Use social media to your full advantage

27:50 Use video interviews 

30:50 Don’t go into victim mode

32:00 Use your experience to make a difference

33:15 Reach out to learn how to make job search easier



#VideoInterviewCompetition initiative 




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Social media handles:

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ayanda-moses-mbatha-experienced-mechanical-engineering-technologist

Case study: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EEMCS-06-2021-0201/full/html

Email: [email protected] 


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