Being an influential leader is what most leaders aspire to and there is certainly nothing wrong with that. You want to be effective, build teams and accomplish goals.  However, the ultimate gift of leadership is creating other leaders.  What are you leaving behind?  What will your legacy be without helping others to pick up where you left off?  Creating Legacy Leaders will require a different level from you.  First, you have to build trust with your team and building trust can take just seconds.  No, there's no magic trick to building trust in seconds but I'll explain how as you listen.  Building trust is not as hard as you think, but it does require a different way of looking at building trust.

Once you've built a high level of trust, that's when your team gives you permission to mentor them into leadership.  You won't see a reward immediately, but when you have created other leaders it will be one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do in your career and that is the ultimate gift of leadership.   Share your knowledge and insights