I know it sounds counter intuitive, but stop correcting your team.  You only have so much time in the day, the week, the month or the year to influence your team.  Your team will go where you tell them to go so where are you sending them?  Are you spending most of your time talking about what you don’t want, or the behaviors you do want?

Have you ever thought for just a minute, what are the things you are focusing your team on without even knowing it.  Are you making them guess what’s important to you?  You words, your reactions and your habits drive your team so which direction are you sending them?  How much time are you wasting with “problem” team members.

You will be surprised at the change in your team and the benefits when you only focus on what you do want.  When you give constant feedback and recognition on the right behaviors.  Listen in and take the challenge.  You can thank me later.

Supplemental Reading:  Leading with Gratitude by Chester Elton https://www.linkedin.com/in/chesterelton/ chesterelton.com/ 

Glad to Be Here with John “Gucci” Foley  https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnfoleyinc/


Leadership Lifestyle Group:    https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12459243/