Get ready to put your spidey senses to the test.  As a leader I’m going to guess the thing that frustrates you the most about people, is not really the people but the behaviors of the people.  If you could wave a magic wand , what behaviors would you get them to stop doing, and what behaviors would you get them to start doing??   So, am I asking you to be the next Dr. Phil?  No… need to drop out of business school and get a psychology degree.  Over a period of time, you see normal behavior patterns from those on your team.  You start to develop a mental picture or evaluation of how those people are where they need to improve.  But also over time, your team members display behaviors you don’t want, or stop the team from collaborating or executing.  The behavior you are seeing from members on your team are not just behaviors that are presently in front of you, it is the behavior behind the behavior that really shows what a person is going through.

Additional Resources:  Myers Briggs Engaging Outcomes® – Guiding Leadership Legacies with Mary Cooper


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