Everyone loves meetings right????  I bet not.  Since last year, there is study after study being conducted about meeting fatigue.  So many teams are working remotely, the only way to connect is more and more meetings.  It seemed fun at first, but now it's bring more stress and more work to many people.  On this podcast episode of the Leadership Lifestyle Podcast, we dive into why most meetings are ineffective but more importantly, what you can do to actually have effective meetings.

The truth is, there is great power in your team having effective meetings.  Meetings that actually propel your team forward!  It's a lot easier than you think, if you keep focused on what your meetings should be all about.

You only have so much time for yourself and for your team.  What direction are you going to send them?  What processes and initiatives will they put their energy into?  That is 100% up to you!

Additional Reading:    https://fellow.app/blog/meetings/meeting-statistics-the-future-of-meetings-report/

