Let's face it, as Leaders it's just easy to give one direction to everyone and expect them to all receive it the same way.  Teams do not work that way.  Or, hopefully, your team is not just a bunch of robots with no ownership of what they do.  The only way to accomplish people working for you to become owners is......treat them like owners. You really need to figure out what differences the people on your team has and how they can create an advantage with those differences to improve productivity, or create better products and provide better service to the Customer.

In this Leadership Podcast, we dive into how you can start seeing your team as individuals and at the same time, have everyone, including yourself, work toward a higher purpose together.   That's what a leader does.  So let's stop putting everyone into the same box and create teams that drive results through a sense of ownership and a sense that they matter.....because they DO matter!!!!