If you want to really focus yourself on, not just a goal, but really creating something you want in your career, a new career, or just something personally for you, you need a Vision, a Mission, and a Strategy.  All three have a specific purpose and ensure you can actually execute on the Vision.  After creating a Vision and even a Mission statement, most fail at executing that Vision or Mission Statement because there is no action behind it.  As Henry Ford said, “you can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.”
A Vision is a dream with a purpose. Envision the perfect version of what you want to do.  Then, a Mission Statement defines where you’re going and what that identity is.  You can’t stop there though. Strategy is the daily behaviors and decisions about how you’ll get there!
I’ll break it all down for you in a very useful way to understand how they all work together.  The Vision creates the Mission and the Strategy gets you there.
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