It's time to pump it up and flex those muscles...well, it's time to flex your curiosity muscle.

They say that curiosity killed the cat but, after this week's interview, I know it's the lack of curiosity that killed the company.  My guest this week is innovation expert and author, Diana Kander, and we talk about her new book, The Curiosity Muscle.

Diana shares the four questions leaders need to ask to keep their organizations from becoming irrelevant and keep their teams moving forward in the right direction.  Her insights really made me think about what I'm currently doing in my business to stay ahead but also what I could be doing in my relationships.

She's super smart and I know you'll get as much from our conversation as I did.  Enjoy!

More on Diana...

Diana Kander and her family escaped from the Soviet Union when she was 8-years-old. By the time she was an American citizen, she had perfected her skills as an entrepreneur – selling flea market goods to grade school classmates at a markup.

Today, Diana is the Director of Innovation Culture and Habits for Maddock Douglas, a Chicago-based innovation consulting firm. In this role, she trains executives and Fortune 1000 companies to be more innovative and inspires employees to think like entrepreneurs.

How did she get here? Diana was a Georgetown educated attorney who left her successful law practice to start and sell a number of ventures. The businesses spanned a number of industries: software, real estate, hospitality, construction, staffing and consulting. After the sale of her last company, Diana spent three years as a Senior Fellow at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the largest non-profit in the world dedicated to entrepreneurship and education, and two years as a professor of entrepreneurship in the MBA program at the University of Missouri.

Diana is also the author of the New York Times Bestseller All In Startup, a novel outlining lessons for launching a successful business. The book has been used in over 70 colleges to teach innovation and entrepreneurship. Diana lives in Kansas City, Missouri with her high school sweetheart and husband, Jason, and their awesome son, True.

Connect with her on her website (AND BUY THE BOOK!):