Stories are the cornerstone of civilization.  They are how we transmit norms, teach and let others know they are not alone.  However, sharing YOUR story can sometimes seem daunting...even impossible if you're worried about sharing too much.  But, sharing your story is a critical piece of taking charge of your life!

On this episode, I talk with storytelling maven, Johanna Walker.  She shares the power of sharing your story and how you can make a work and in life.  It was a great conversation that left me thinking about what I can do different in sharing my story with those around me.  Check it out!

More on Johanna...

Johanna is the fear-blasting, storytelling maven for coaches, consultants, leaders and change-makers. As a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, she’s presented for corporations, non-profits, start-ups and community organizations, helping audiences develop authentic presence as speakers, find the ideas they want to be known for, and craft those ideas into compelling presentations.

She’s also the founder of Craft Your Talk, a transformational speaker coaching program for emerging speakers, and The Speaker’s Playground, an unconventional training program where entrepreneurs and community leaders become confident and memorable speakers. She is the co-founder of Boulder’s Story Slam, where audience members come to the stage to tell true stories about their lives. In addition to her work as a speaker and coach, Johanna has written and performed solo theater pieces that she’s toured throughout the US and Canada.

Check her out on her website here: