Are politics, pandemic and the general overwhelm of life stressing you the heck out?  Have no fear!  On this episode of Leadership Happy Hour I talk with my very good friend, Eliz Greene, about her new book, Stress Proof Your Life!  

What makes this book different from the rest is that Eliz has done the hard work of researching thousands of people to find out the systemic causes of their stress and then gives application based solutions on how to mitigate them.  Plus, she quotes me in it...which makes it double cool.  Check this out and buy the book!  You can get it HERE!

More on Eliz..

She not only finds the chemical reaction in the body caused by stress fascinating, but stress is also her favorite topic to speak about, write about, or discuss in line at the grocery store. With a surgically repaired heart, Eliz also knows stress management isn’t a ‘nice-to-have,' but rather an essential survival skill. Surviving a heart attack at age 35 while seven months pregnant with twins propelled Eliz on a mission to share her story to inspire other busy people to pay attention to their health. Just days after her heart stopped and she endured open heart surgery and a cesarean section delivery, Eliz held both her daughters together for the first time. Amazingly, despite the pain and uncertainty, what she felt most strongly was contentment. Her priorities were crystal clear. She knew she’d been given a second chance at life and a unique perspective for a reason.

For nearly two decades, Eliz has been on a mission to inspire busy people to pay attention to their heart health. Recognizing stress as an essential and often under-addressed risk factor, Eliz conducted a research study on job stress. Eliz is an author and writes a Top Health and Wellness Blog. She was named as a Top Online Influencer on Stress and Heart Health. She’s been seen on CNN, PBS, Lifetime, TNT, and many national and local news programs.

A national spokesperson and advocate for the American Heart Association, Eliz received the Heart Hero Award in 2010. More recently, she has partnered on the Take Cholesterol To Heart campaign.

Today, Eliz is a healthy 55-year-old living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her wonderful husband, Clay, their beautiful (now 20-year-old) daughters.