I like to work AND I also like to play.  Given a choice between the two I'll usually pick the latter.  But.....what if we could do both simultaneously?  That's what we're talking on this episode with expert Marcey Rader!  Check it out!

More on Marcey...

Marcey Rader is an Amazon best-selling author, sought-after productivity coach, accredited health and wellness expert, and renowned keynote speaker.

As the founder of Work Well. Play More!®, she helps individuals and businesses kick their lifestyles back into balanced gear – without sacrificing health. She packs presentations with actionable advice and real-world wisdom, decluttering the mind, body, and business, one habit at a time. Her speaking roster’s alive with engagements for Fortune 100 companies, startups, and everyone in between.

Audiences from North Dakota to Dubai, manufacturing to biotech, learn to escalate their energy, conquer the calendar, master tasks, and extinguish email. To learn more, visit marceyrader.com.