“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”   —Sir Winston Churchill

I did it....after two months of not going to the gym and eating like there's a pandemic going on, I stepped on the scale.  I'd like to say it was good news but......it wasn't.  But, there is good news and it is in this week's episode!

Are you struggling to change when change is the only thing that is going to keep your organization afloat?  Like I stated, there is good news and it comes from my guest this week, John Ferris.  John shares what he and his team do at Invisionedge to help organization embrace change, strategically move forward and keep innovation the name of the game.  Plus, he shares his favorite cocktail.  I got A LOT from our conversation and I know you will too!


More on John...

John Ferris is the founder of inVision Edge, a management consultancy focused on enabling innovation, clarifying strategy and growing businesses. He helps business owners who are experiencing growing pains push beyond the obstacles and achieve great things! Website & LinkedIn