”Your journey has molded you for the greater good.” – Asha Tyson

I've worked a LOT of different places and had a lot of different bosses.  Within each team, the team tended to take on the personality of the person in charge...good and bad.  It was a strange phenomena but it happened....this is just ONE of the great things I got to talk about with my guest this week!

Andrea Fryrear is the focus of my interrogation this week and she shares it all!  Her leadership journey is much like many of us who have been suddenly thrust into being in charge of people....a little messy with a huge learning curve.  Andrea shares her journey...very honestly and with great insights that you can use to make a difference for your own team.  I know you'll like Andrea as much as me!


More on Andrea....

Ah, marketing. When it’s good, it’s “singing, dancing, kittens, and rainbows” good. When it’s bad, it’s mind-numbingly, soul-crushingly bad. An early convert to the ways of Agile marketing, Andrea Fryrear knows that Agile teams do better work in less time with less stress, and she loves nothing more than seeing a team evolve from chaos to high performance.

Agile marketing represents a huge shift in how marketers have historically managed their work -- and, like any change, this shift isn’t easy. Through education, training, and coaching, Andrea and her team at AgileSherpas work to make this shift easier, guiding marketers along the path towards greater agility while always on the lookout for new and better routes. In June 2020, Andrea will be hosting the first-ever Marketing Agility Summit to provide a hands-on experience to energize marketers to take their agility to the next level.

In addition to being a Certified Professional in Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC), a Certified Agile Leader (CAL-1), a Certified Scrum@Scale Practitioner, and an ICAgile Authorized Instructor, Andrea is trained as a Scrum Master and Product Owner. She shares her findings (and failures) regularly as an international speaker on all things Agile marketing. Andrea is a content marketer by trade and functions best when she’s writing regularly. Her most recent book, Death of a Marketer, chronicles marketing’s troubled past and charts a course to a more agile future for the profession. When she’s not on a plane or at a keyboard, Andrea spends as much time as possible outdoors in her Colorado home training for triathlons and playing volleyball.

Connect with Andrea here: https://www.agilesherpas.com/

”Your journey has molded you for the greater good.” – Asha Tyson

I've worked a LOT of different places and had a lot of different bosses.  Within each team, the team tended to take on the personality of the person in charge...good and bad.  It was a strange phenomena but it happened....this is just ONE of the great things I got to talk about with my guest this week!

Andrea Fryrear is the focus of my interrogation this week and she shares it all!  Her leadership journey is much like many of us who have been suddenly thrust into being in charge of people....a little messy with a huge learning curve.  Andrea shares her journey...very honestly and with great insights that you can use to make a difference for your own team.  I know you'll like Andrea as much as me!


More on Andrea....

Ah, marketing. When it’s good, it’s “singing, dancing, kittens, and rainbows” good. When it’s bad, it’s mind-numbingly, soul-crushingly bad. An early convert to the ways of Agile marketing, Andrea Fryrear knows that Agile teams do better work in less time with less stress, and she loves nothing more than seeing a team evolve from chaos to high performance.

Agile marketing represents a huge shift in how marketers have historically managed their work -- and, like any change, this shift isn’t easy. Through education, training, and coaching, Andrea and her team at AgileSherpas work to make this shift easier, guiding marketers along the path towards greater agility while always on the lookout for new and better routes. In June 2020, Andrea will be hosting the first-ever Marketing Agility Summit to provide a hands-on experience to energize marketers to take their agility to the next level.

In addition to being a Certified Professional in Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC), a Certified Agile Leader (CAL-1), a Certified Scrum@Scale Practitioner, and an ICAgile Authorized Instructor, Andrea is trained as a Scrum Master and Product Owner. She shares her findings (and failures) regularly as an international speaker on all things Agile marketing. Andrea is a content marketer by trade and functions best when she’s writing regularly. Her most recent book, Death of a Marketer, chronicles marketing’s troubled past and charts a course to a more agile future for the profession. When she’s not on a plane or at a keyboard, Andrea spends as much time as possible outdoors in her Colorado home training for triathlons and playing volleyball.

Connect with Andrea here: https://www.agilesherpas.com/