"There comes a time in the affairs of man when he must take the bull by the tail and face the situation." -W.C. Fields

Yes, it's true.  I've been accused by some of being a tad abrupt in my career.  It's not that I don't care about people's feelings it's just that I get so focused in on mission that I forget about them.  It's something I've worked on my entire life (and will continue to do so).

That's why I'm so excited about sharing this episode with you because I'm talking to the man who does just that...helps bulls thrive in china shops.  David Quick is my guest and we have a frank conversation about what it means to lead, how do you get led, and answering the question of "what kind of bull are you?"  I really enjoyed talking to David and I know you'll love listening to his strategies for leading better.

David offered some cool FREE resources on the show.  You can get them HERE!


More on David...

David Quick is the go-to speaker, executive coach, and Vistage Chair expert helping business owners and CEOs learn how to work fewer hours, be significantly more successful, and build stronger professional relationships. David is a true “recovering Bull,” having worked over 20 years with companies like Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, and Roche Diagnostics. As the owner of Helping Bulls Thrive in China Shops, David has impacted over 300 CEOs nationwide, been featured on TEDx, and is a regular presenter at Vistage meetings.

Ask the big question, “Do you have the right people in the right seats?” The answer may surprise you! David will take a deep dive into employee performance, help your organization understand the ideal traits needed for each new hire, better understand your current organizational gaps, and get more top performers into your organization.

David truly enjoys helping business leaders thrive, their companies thrive and helping make his small corner of the world a better place.

Get more on David here: https://helpingbulls.com/lhh/