"It' in our DNA to care for others, cheer others on, help others, and inspire others."  -Larry Cockerel

I, like you, have been on a lot of teams in my life.  I've been on good teams, bad teams, teams that have done very little and teams that have kicked some ass.  I have not, however, been on a team where conflict is not present.  In some way, shape, or form...conflict is there.

Conflict can get a bad rap within the business world.  We're always talking about how to get along with difficult people but what if it's just a difficult situation with a lot of different personalities?  

On this week's episode I'm talking to Dr. Liane Davey and we're discussing the new book she has coming out called, The Good Fight! It's about managing and harnessing the power of conflict within your team.  Conflict is good.  Without it, we'd never get anywhere!  ENJOY!

My "Hot Skinny" Leadership Tip comes from my good friend Larry Cockerel from his new book, Your Life Matters.  Check it out and check Larry out at: https://larrycockerel.com/

More on Liane...

Dr. Liane Davey is the New York Times Bestselling author of You First, Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done. She is a regular contributor to the Harvard Business Review and the organizational psychology expert for Quartz magazine.

As the co-founder of 3COze Inc., she advises on business strategy and executive team effectiveness and has worked with executives at companies such as Amazon, Walmart, Aviva, TD Bank, 3M, and SONY PlayStation.

Liane has a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and has served as an evaluator for the American Psychological Association’s Healthy Workplace awards.

Connect with her and pre-order her book at: https://www.lianedavey.com/