Tim Spiker is the founder of The Aperio and the Who* Not What Principle, a profound research-based truth that has powered 15 years of leadership development success.
Tim’s book, The Only Leaders Worth* Following, reveals that 77% of leadership effectiveness comes from who a leader is and not what they do. Using this principle, Tim helps people become, be, and stay leaders who are actually worth following.
In short, it means becoming Inwardly Sound and Others Focused. Who our leaders are, rather than what they do, ultimately determines if we will follow them over the long haul.
Tim’s work includes delivering keynote talks, creating unique and customized learning experiences, and guiding long-term development journeys. Tim has worked with leadership teams in North America, Australia, and Asia. He currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and four children. You can find more about Tim at: https://www.theaperio.com/tim-spiker