You or your employees could be Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Trump-loving or Trump-hating, but the bottom line is that whatever someone's politics are, if we don’t handle them extraordinarily well, things are going to get far worse. So what can we do? Let’s find out together...

Our guest is Peter Montoya. Peter is a thought leader, skilled orator, tech entrepreneur, and successful business strategist. His expertise comes from decades of being deep in the trenches. Peter successfully grew his software company, Marketing.Pro, from a three-person start-up to a multi-million-dollar exit, all without partners or investors. Peter is currently building his latest game-changing tech start-up,, which is on track to transform the social media landscape by providing a civil, community-driven platform free of bots, trolls, and misinformation. His newest book, The Second Civil War: A Citizen's Guide to Healing our Fractured Nation, was released on August 3, 2021 and immediately became a bestseller. Website: & Social Media




Where We Are and Where We've Been Cold Wars, Hot Wars, Social and Civil Wars  Patriot Vs Partisan Pride What's Love got to do with it Are You Willing to Pay the Price How Big is The Silent Majority How The Pandemic and no Super Bowl Feed Division "Hi, I'm a Tribal Badge"





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