What's holding parents' career progression back and how can employers retain and support them?

In summer 2023, the Big Parent Career Choices Survey was completed by nearly 900 working parents. It found that 86% of parents want to progress their careers in the next five years, with 51% wanting to progress in the next two years.

It also found what is holding them back...

On this week's podcast Verena Hefti MBE and Social Researcher Rosie McLeod discuss the survey findings from the brand new Career Progression Gaps: The Next Frontier report.


Their research together around working parents career progressionWhy so many working parents say they think that having children has held them back in their careersWhat the data tells us regarding why certain working parents are still progressing and how to replicate this for more working parentsWhat role employers can play and how they can best retain and support staff 

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Show Notes:

Download the Career Progression Gaps: The Next Frontier report now Book: What Works - Gender Equality by Design by Iris Bohnet Access the Fawcett Society data around The Ethnicity Pay PenaltyFind advice on negotiation in Big Careers, Small Children episode #22 with Paul Fisher.