Verena Hefti, CEO and Founder of Leaders Plus, gives a preview for the new series of the award-winning Leaders With Babies Podcast.

Our next podcast is an interview with Reverend Carla Maurer, Minister of The Swiss Church in London, in which we talk about purpose and setting boundaries. 

Coming up later this season we speak to an Executive Director in the largest education charity in the UK about how she moved to that job when she had children under two. We also speak to Carole Robin Ph.D,  author of the book Connect, which focuses on building exceptional relationships with family, friends and colleagues. Carole was the Dorothy J. King Lecturer in Leadership at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, and we talk to her about about how to create deep meaningful relationships at work and beyond. 

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Applications are now open for our NHS Fellowship

Our FMLM accredited NHS Fellowship is a career development programme for working parents in the NHS who want to lead positive change. Apply by 11/07. Find out more.