Exactly how do you progress your career whilst working in a part-time role? 

What do the most successful working parents do to ensure they are strategic about their career progression?

Leaders With Babies is back with series 4 and our guest this week is the author, psychologist, coach, and founder of Talent Keep Specialists, Jessica Chivers.

Jessica is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to progressing your career after maternity or parental leave and she has written a fantastic book about supporting mothers at work. 

We talk about the practical steps you can take to progress your career, especially if you're in a part-time role.  Why working part-time doesn’t mean you're part ambitious or part committed. 

Jessica shares what her most successful coaching clients have done differently, plus the helpful tips that you can apply to your own career (even if time is limited) so your work set up really works for you.

Plus, why Wednesday, not Friday, might just be the best day of the week to take off work for anyone working part-time and why Calendly is a fantastic tool for scheduling quick conversations.

Useful Links From This Episode
Connect with Leaders Plus on social media @leaders_plus
Connect with Jessica on Twitter @jesschivers
The book mentioned by Jessica is 'Busy' by Tony Crabbe

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This episode was recorded during the COVID-19 Lockdown.

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