This week Verena Hefti, FRSA is joined by the brilliant Gabriel Davies, a mother of two and a Commercial Director at the global green energy company Ørsted, working in the leadership team responsible for building the world’s largest offshore wind farm. Gabriel is also an inaugural Fellow on the award-winning Leaders Plus Fellowship Programme.

This week our discussion focuses on ambition and why this shouldn’t be a dirty word but in fact is something to be celebrated by working parents.

Gabriel shares honest reflections on how to thrive in a male dominated environment like engineering. Plus practical tips for anyone considering setting up a gender inclusion network at their organisation – including why men are integral to any conversations around gender equality.

There are also plenty of helpful suggestions from Gabriel’s own experience returning to work from two maternity leaves, including what she did differently the second time around.

It’s a really inspiring conversation filled with so many useful tips – we hope you find it useful.

Connect with Gabriel on LinkedIn here.

Follow Leaders Plus on Twitter @leaders_plus  and find out more about our work, including details of our award-winning Fellowship Programme here. 

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