My guest this week is Dom Holmes, Head of Employment Law, and a Partner at the International law firm Taylor Vinters.

Dom is one of the few male partners in law to work part-time. As he and his team advise employers with extremely time-sensitive and complex employment issues, it is incredibly fascinating to hear how he manages to balance his incredibly busy role and parenthood, by working 4 days a week.

There are lots of helpful reflections and practical tips in this conversation. Including useful tips for ensuring you don't simply end up doing 5 days' work but on 4 days' pay and a glimpse into how Dom structures his day, manages his time and sets his priorities so that he's effective both at home and at work.

Dom also shares the quick 10-minute task you can do this week if you're keen to explore flexible working for your leadership role which will be incredibly useful for anyone looking to move part-time.

Dom is extremely passionate that you can be a really good and effective parent and have a really rewarding career.

He also feels strongly about encouraging more open discussion for parents (male or female) who wish to explore flexible working in a leadership role.

A thread that runs through our discussion is how important it is to think about and identify your own personal values when crafting your vision for home life and your career and this is something that will really resonate. Enjoy this week's episode.

Follow Dom on Twitter @DomHolmes147 and Leaders Plus @leaders_plus.

Dom is also a mentor on our Leaders Plus Fellowship Programme.

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This episode was recorded during the COVID-19 Lockdown.

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