“The most important thing when stepping up from being an individual contributor to being responsible in a management position is that it’s not about you any more,” Max Lankheit, the San Jose Earthquakes’ Director of High Performance, tells EPP’s Founding Partner Dave Slemen.

The duo are discussing the traits needed when stepping into a leadership position for the first time.

“The important thing that people need to understand, in my opinion, is that you can only hunt one rabbit at a time,” adds Lankheit.

“So either you can work on your skills or help others work on their skills.”

Max, a former youth athlete and acting student, talks to Dave at EPP about his non-linear journey to the top of elite sport amongst other topics.

EPP are a performance consultancy and search firm highly regarded across sport and, for this episode, Dave poses the questions that cover:

The non-sporting elements of Max’s background [2:30];Why the stigma around ‘manipulation’ is undeserved [10:00];The importance of the environment in helping people to thrive and reach their potential [25:00];The difference between purpose and values, vision and objectives [35:20].

Dave Slemen Twitter | LinkedIn

Max Lankheit LinkedIn

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